Saturday, December 14, 2013

Off-season: what to do?

I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now and these are my final thoughts.  What is the off-season to you? 

For some it is the season in which it is almost impossible to play due to work, weather,  or in my case weather and family.  Don't get me wrong,  this is not a bad thing. My wife is very understanding and supportive of my desire to play paintball but playing paintball also takes me away from my family on weekends.  

The off season for me is a time I don't get to play paintball, but that doesn't mean I do nothing.  It is an opportunity to concentrate on my fitness. It is a time to watch YouTube videos of paintball games, training, tech videos, etc.

To expand on YouTube:
1. Paintball Games: Whether the game is a good or bad; new and valuable information can be extracted for use. You can usually learn what not to do or a new way of doing something you've always done.

2. Training: there are plenty of video on how to work as a team either tactically or through communication.  As a Rec ball player I have even learned some valuable information from X Factor on those tryout videos online.  Training can be applied to any form of paintball regardless of style of play.

3. Tech Videos: I find these videos to be the most valuable in my opinion.  These can be anything from moding vest to real tech issues with your marker. Even if you don't have the particular marker in the video the issues can usually be solved the same way. (Not always)

Finally: the off season is a great time to improve flexibility and strength.  My personal workout is stretching, 15 push ups, 25 crunches, and 10 leg lifts. I will vary occasionally and add in squats and calf raises to break up the routine and to add a change of pace.  I do all this 5 days a week before getting ready for work.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. I apologize for the hiatus but I have been working on some articles for a magazine that doesn't serm to be working out.
Time to start posting again.

See you on the field and "lets burn it up".